Nia Johnson

KayleeSenior Spotlights 2024

My favorite production by far was Anastasia because I personally feel as though it showcased how much I have grown as a performer. Anastasia also gave me the opportunity to perform at DPAC which was a truly amazing experience. High school drama has played a huge role in my development as an actor. I’ve been a part of six productions now and they have all confirmed my love of acting and validated my decision to continue theatre throughout college. These shows have also been a great way for me to make lifelong friends by pushing me out of my comfort zone while doing the thing I love most!

If I had to describe my drama experience at GHMS in just three words:

Exciting, Welcoming, Rigorous

I chose these words because while yes, putting on a production is great fun, especially amongst our little theatre family, it also encompasses its own challenges such as memorizing lines and finding your niche as an actor.

My plans after High School

I would love to pursue theatre in college and possibly minor in opera. I am so excited to see what the future holds as I’ve been looking at colleges such as UNCSA, UNCG, and UNC Chapel Hill. Broadway has always been the goal for me, but recently I’ve been interested in possibly teaching theatre!

Here’s a little bit more about myself

Favorite Broadway Show: Once on This Island

Favorite Food: Pickles

Favorite Color(s): Yellow

Favorite Actor/Actress: Emilie Kouatchou

Favorite Song and/or Artist: Boomerang by Yebba

Favorite Book: The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur

“Don’t settle for average. Bring your best to the moment. Then, whether it fails or succeeds, at least you know you gave all you had. We need to live the best that’s in us.”

Angela Bassett