Lexi Wilder

KayleeSenior Spotlights 2024

So far I have been a part of two productions; Fools and Anastasia. Both were unique in their own ways and very different from one another but in the best way. I also participated in the student directed one acts and was an actress. Fools was my favorite show because it was the first high school production I was ever a part of. I had initially applied to be on crew but Mrs. Hazelrigg surprised me by giving me assistant stage manager. I immediately fell in love with the role and I wouldn’t want to do anything else. Fools will always hold a special place in my heart because of the close-knit group of people involved in that production and the opportunity I was given to grow in a leadership position.

If I had to describe my drama experience at GHMS in just three words:

Fun, Connection, Special

Fun because I look forward to rehearsal and show season. It is always my favorite part of the day. It never feels like work. Connection because the bond between the people in the drama department is unlike any other I’ve ever experienced. We are all truly a big family and it is so beautiful to be surrounded by so many people who have the same love of drama that you do. Special because I feel so lucky to have been able to be a part of so many amazing opportunities. My time spent in the drama department will always be very special to me.

My plans after High School

My goal is to attend Harvard or Duke to pursue medicine. I want to become a doctor.

Here’s a little bit more about myself

Favorite Broadway Show: Once on This Island

Favorite Food: Chinese Food

Favorite Color(s): Red

Favorite Actor/Actress: Leonardo DiCaprio

Favorite Song and/or Artist: Dominic Fike

Favorite Book: Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

“The sea speaks more honestly to those willing to drown”

Irtiqa Nabi