Jana Bradshaw

KayleeSenior Spotlights 2024

My favorite production was Anastasia, because the cast and crew became so close to each other and through all of our hard work we made many amazing memories. I have been in a total of 4 drama productions. I started out working in the crew but have become more confident through drama classes that I love to act on stage now.

If I had to describe my drama experience at GHMS in just three words:

Memorable, Passionate, Adventurous

I would choose these three words because throughout my time here drama has encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and find my new love and passion for drama all while making so many friends and memories.

My plans after High School

I hope to attend ECU next fall and study elementary education.

Here’s a little bit more about myself

Favorite Broadway Show: Six!

Favorite Food: Mac & Cheese

Favorite Color(s): Purple

Favorite Actor/Actress: Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston

“Do or do not. there is no try.”
